As promised, here are some more examples of letterpress, design and illustration work of done over the last little while. As always all photographs have been taken with permission of my clients and are not to be used in any fashion unless authorized. Let's party.....

This is Khala Foster's business card. She is an incredible seamstress and fashion designer based in Ottawa. Her these cards were designed by the equally incredible Julie Hope. They were printed in two layers from polymer plates on 90 lb Mohawk Brilliant White and Staples Cardstock. They were then duplexed, folded and trimmed. Thank you Nicholas Kennedy (kick ass local letter-presser) and Essi Oenal (kick ass local bookbinder) for your assistance in this endeavour. Cheers!
Khala's link:
Julie's link:
Nicholas' link:
Essi's link:

Here is a sample illustration I'm doing for The Morals. If you haven't heard them yet, do yourself a favour:
They're from Barrie and absolutely rule.

Here is a last minute wedding/concert invitation I designed and printed last month. It was printed on 110lb Strathmore Soft White as two separate 5 x 7 cards.

Oh yeah, here are new business cards I ran for myself recently. Notice the umlaut? Yeah, it took me a complete different run to put them in there as they were printed from handset type. Geez, the things we'll do for pride, eh? Don't forget to check my etsy store and buy stuff, ya cheap b*stards!